The audio & video lists of Guy Vickers !


  • Eric Brand



    Hello fellow music lovers. Welcome to my Website.
    Beyond this Introduction page you will find over 2800 live audio and video recordings of bands and artists collected by me over 25 years of taping and trading.
    Recently the advent of Bit Torrent and other forms of uploading and downloading seems to have significantly reduced the desire for physical trading but I am maintaining these pages and trying to keep them up to date as often as possible because I still love trading 1 to 1 with other organised and serious collectors.

    You’ll find links backwards and forwards to each page at the bottom of each page and hyperlinks from the list of artists on the audiotapes main page.

    To go to my list of audio recordings of Bonnie Raitt, click here

    To go to my list of video recordings of Bonnie Raitt, click here

    Want to get copies of some of this music, but nothing to trade ? Go to my Access To Music page, here

    Source: GUY VICKERS

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